Since July 2021, the ODIN360 team have worked as sport, tourism and major event consultants with multiple organisations on key projects and associated infrastructure.

Client and Project Overviews

Please scroll on logo for a short project summary.

Endeavour Group – Multiple Hotel feasibility and demand studies

2 projects :1. Regional tourism strategy and gap analysis 2: Accommodation feasibility study including extensive market research

Caravan Park strategy and master plan

2 projects : 1. Regional Tourism overview and gap analysis 2. Accommodation Feasibility Study

Goulburn Murray Water – Caravan park performance review and future operational strategy

3 projects: 1. Caravan Park strategy and operational plan for 12 caravan parks and campgrounds; 2: Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail Commercial Optimisation Plan; 3: Crown Land Utilisation Plan
2 projects: 1. Overall campground and commercial optimisation strategy; 2: Tidal River Retail & Food & Beverage strategy and business case
Gulf Station Tourism Investment Feasibility Study
Accommodation feasibility study (with JMP Consultants)

City of Gold Coast – Destination Management Plan working with Experience GC and Invest GC

City of Greater Geelong – Major Event Strategy (with JMP Consultants)

Governance model, corporate strategy, product development and market research for Bellarine Rail

Trennery Property Group – Economic Impact Study and Grant Application for Burnham Beeches through Victorian Govt Tourism Investment Fund

Steelfinne – Feasibility Study and Grant Application for new major greenfield tourism development

Architectus –  Subject Matter Experts as part of bid team for design of large scale sporting and major event infrastructure

Kane Constructions – Subject Matter Experts as part of bid team for large scale sporting and major event infrastructure

First ever Destination Management Plan for Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges, Workforce Plan, 4 Local Area Plans
Caravan park management and operational strategy for 5 parks
2 projects: 1. Caravan park management strategy and masterplans for 4 parks ; 2. Managing Leasing tender processes
Caravan park management strategy and overseeing tender processes for 4 parks
Development of new industry association including start up strategy, governance, operations, membership and advocacy
2 projects: Brand Health market research – every 6 months 2. Caravan Park user market research
Corporate strategy, contract development, organisational structure and operational advice
Tamworth Regional Events Strategy and Business Case (with JMP Consultants)

Caravan Park Strategy and lease negotiations

Hunter Region Major Event Feasibility Study (with JMP Consultants)

Mt Buller Ski Lifts – grant application for funding through Victorian Govt Enabling Tourism Fund

Caravan Park Strategy and Masterplan
Booking platform market analysis prior to its acquisition of Newbook Cloud (with LEK Consulting).

Caravan Park strategy, systems review and operational plan